Vae March 20, 2025 3:12 pm

Omomo, when doseungji with Kyeongjun were standing before the queens gates and I had this thought: maybe KJ can be sacrificed so the last backfired curse won't kill the queen and the story won't end too quickly. That was a right death for him, now I'm satisfied (=・ω・=)
However it would've been nice to see more gore. The killing(eating) went fast.

The queen! Is officially my fav villain. I liked her more covered in blood being insane than donned with royal garment.

Nok will now make Jaeshin rescue another human ^_~ I believe they'll make it in time to save daegun (Nok's younger half-brother)

    Daisy March 20, 2025 5:30 pm

    the queen really is one of the best villains ive come across in manhwas recently. her blood covered panel looked so hot!!

    ngl would have loved if kj would have suffered a slow death tho

    Deedee March 21, 2025 1:04 am

    Was that Nok's father standing in front of the queen? Did he finally saw who she was from the beginning? What did she say to him after she killed KJ? Or was it KJ's father? I'm confused. All the old dudes look the same xD