im assuming the whole point of their sneak is to check chaeheon out, see if he is good for jeongyoon. but all that overstepping their son to get to the bf only to be fooled by his charms too. this family is truly lost. chaeheon is 2 steps ahead.
when he got jeongyoon with rose glasses, his only other obstacle was the family. now he's got the family down too. he just paved the way to do whatever he wanted with their son. cuz imagine if the family just talked to jeongyoon one-on-one about his thoughts regarding chaeheon, and jy foolishly mentioned all his red flags. now THAT would be something interesting to read about. instead of this....stupidity situation.

Considering the way the story has gone so far, even if Jeongyoon told his family about all of Chaeheon's red flags, I don't think things would be much different. The author does not seem to view this dude as a red flag, and it's pretty clear that they view the whole "doing stuff behind Jeongyoon's back" thing to be something positive that shows that the family is caring, even though it's not actually a good thing. So even if Jeongyoon told his family, I'm sure they'd just be like "oh, Chaeheon's so caring, he loves you so much" Instead of freaking out and seeing him as a red flag.
On another topic, notice how Chaeheon perfectly finessed his whole family to allow the move? He won't hurt Jeongyoon but he's definitely red. We all know the connection between psychos and their magical ability to manipulate and turn tides in their favor. Well played. Got the whole family blinded.