ATMd4 March 20, 2025 8:19 am

to everyone saying that she will get an UTI bc he pissed in her: that's not how it works

bro I even saw people saying that it could cost you your life, or that you would wake up in a hospital bed, WHAATTT???

guys... no, nothing will happen, if the guy already has an infection or something then yeah he could pass it but that would also happen by having unprotected sex, even if he didn't pee

there's a slight change that it could change a bit the vagina's PH and make it more susceptible for problems like a yeast infection so if the girl has a history of getting these then it might happen but if she's been healthy then there's no problem, but still that's easily treatable

also you could get infections just from sex alone, that's why people say to woman to pee immediately after sex

anyways basically the risks of anything happening by pissing are basically the same as just having unprotected sex, so if yall wanna stay safe then use condoms

please stop spreading misinformation

    Storycruncher March 22, 2025 5:03 am

    It can cause UTI if not the PID or even peritonitis....given how much he peed in her....women's genital tract is actually open one.... don't know why it was made like that but it's an open loop against a male one which is closed one. Vagina connects to uterus through a small opening called cervix...it's never closed aside from when you are pregnant, that tiny hole can allow fluids into uterus and out of it too!(Period blood)
    If the pee gets to uterus it can cause infection there if it stays there...which it might not realistically and from uterus it may go to fallopian tubes which as every one knows is an open ended tube
    So that his pee free flowing in her peritoneal cavity.....
    But that requires him peeing repeatedly and large quantities and honestly at a high force....
    So yea one such play might not affect them.... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Baby Gravy March 25, 2025 4:19 am

    Urine is sterile when it first leaves the body but as it sits it grows bacteria. Yeah, no, that should not be in a dark warm orifice that bacteria loves to grow in. Do not do this ever.

    Baby Gravy March 25, 2025 4:22 am
    It can cause UTI if not the PID or even peritonitis....given how much he peed in her....women's genital tract is actually open one.... don't know why it was made like that but it's an open loop against a male o... Storycruncher

    What...? Vaginitis is a thing too. Every part of the vaginal canal can become infected and even the outside can though it's less likely to become infected from foreign bodies because of the lack of moisture and being exposed to air. You're talking like only the deepest parts can and that's not true.

    Storycruncher March 25, 2025 5:22 am

    Ok so we are getting in the technicalities.....so a lot of genitourinary infection bank on the pH of the place....the reason why vaginitis is not that easily acquired is due the the awesome job our body does to maintain ph... actually same goes for urine, it's actually not sterile we just ignore the low amount of bacteria that it wash out of the tract coz they are commensals
    So yea ph is the key....hyper acidic conditions would reduce the commensals and also would in turn make the body want to balance it...if the balance is not achieved then infection occurs!
    Oh but do you know how our body maintains vaginal ph? Aside from appointing millions of bacteria? It also gives itself a regular wash!! Your vaginal fluids wash the walls it's super acidic and honestly depending on what time of the cycle you are in you can or cannot aquire a infection....also our vaginas are not meant to hold anything liquid....so no urine is gonna stay unless you want it to stay....we ask women to piss after intercourse is due to same as well the muscles are the same they gonna push out as much as possible...
    The problem with this is, is it going to be a regular for her to take his piss or not....washed with water it shouldn't create issues but repeatedly it may cause infections!

    Oh also about bacteria....it loves to grow in hot humid moist places...like it thrives....but that is not to say that it wouldn't survive less optimal places....they are organism with lots of grit and you would be surprised that they survive through some toughest shit

    Baby Gravy March 25, 2025 6:52 am
    Ok so we are getting in the technicalities.....so a lot of genitourinary infection bank on the pH of the place....the reason why vaginitis is not that easily acquired is due the the awesome job our body does to... Storycruncher

    I would say it's not so easily acquired not just due to vaginal pH but also because of gynecology and the knowledge women have of what to and not to put in their vaginas. If a douche is enough to give a woman a UTI then another person's piss would be too, it's different from the woman urinating herself because it is only exiting in that case, it never makes contact with the cervix or deeper parts of the vagina, urine or any other foreign fluid should simply not go there. Even water isn't that great because of the chlorine and other contaminants but many women still like to use it to clean themselves.

    Storycruncher March 25, 2025 1:55 pm
    I would say it's not so easily acquired not just due to vaginal pH but also because of gynecology and the knowledge women have of what to and not to put in their vaginas. If a douche is enough to give a woman a... Baby Gravy

    yea from the said gynaecology stating that we also have glands which wash the vaginal walls....with vaginal fluids which are acidic contain macrophages and of course helps regulate commensals. That being said water is quite safe compared to a lot of products stating that they are ph neutral... chances are that they aren't always truthful...if it's safe for you to drink it's safe for your vagina honestly...we can handle that much of imbalance
    One of the form of birth control actually centers around that concept of ph....showing just how important it is...
    I pointed out uti more than vaginitis is coz that how sad our female urinary system is...far more susceptible to infections than vagina coz well they are not expecting more bacteria than they already have while vagina is kinda on spartan coz you know it's penetrable and body expects it! and to top it off its all too close by
    The three hole are really in a straight line and so are the respective tube connected to them internally.
    So we both agree that it would cause infections if pissed in a lot of times....

    Oh also to clarify, I meant that women go to pee after sex is to evacuate the bladder and the semen (if raw) and the vaginal fluids...coz with gravity aiding you chances are that whatever got up there (liquid) will eventually have to come out...peeing mimics the outward and downward movement and relaxed the pelvic floor muscles helping in all of this too

    Second side note...your own pee can go in uterus, vagina and cervical level due to small conduits called fistula, and vis versa with period blood through the same. It's caught on early as a childhood diagnosis (6-7yrs), genitourinary malformation can also extend to your rectum too so lots of biology fuck ups recorded enough to have specific surgeries and how to identify them....

    Baby Gravy March 27, 2025 4:44 am
    yea from the said gynaecology stating that we also have glands which wash the vaginal walls....with vaginal fluids which are acidic contain macrophages and of course helps regulate commensals. That being said w... Storycruncher

    That's completely not true, your mouth is not the same as your vagina. As I stated tap water has chlorine and if you're in the US it also contains fluoride, it can also contain lead from pipes, etc. Your mouth is an acidic enviornment and capable of handling acid, your mouth is not. Tap water is acidic. Here is a study that included water douching: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC2567125/ You should simply not put anything inside of your vagina ever.

    That sounds like a birth defect and not the norm?