It can cause UTI if not the PID or even peritonitis....given how much he peed in her....women's genital tract is actually open one.... don't know why it was made like that but it's an open loop against a male one which is closed one. Vagina connects to uterus through a small opening called cervix...it's never closed aside from when you are pregnant, that tiny hole can allow fluids into uterus and out of it too!(Period blood)
If the pee gets to uterus it can cause infection there if it stays there...which it might not realistically and from uterus it may go to fallopian tubes which as every one knows is an open ended tube
So that his pee free flowing in her peritoneal cavity.....
But that requires him peeing repeatedly and large quantities and honestly at a high force....
So yea one such play might not affect them.... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
to everyone saying that she will get an UTI bc he pissed in her: that's not how it works
bro I even saw people saying that it could cost you your life, or that you would wake up in a hospital bed, WHAATTT???
guys... no, nothing will happen, if the guy already has an infection or something then yeah he could pass it but that would also happen by having unprotected sex, even if he didn't pee
there's a slight change that it could change a bit the vagina's PH and make it more susceptible for problems like a yeast infection so if the girl has a history of getting these then it might happen but if she's been healthy then there's no problem, but still that's easily treatable
also you could get infections just from sex alone, that's why people say to woman to pee immediately after sex
anyways basically the risks of anything happening by pissing are basically the same as just having unprotected sex, so if yall wanna stay safe then use condoms
please stop spreading misinformation