I get what you’re saying but he’s also someone they’re trying to protect while also respecting and empathizing with the difficulties of his sexuality and thus wanting to give him autonomy over when he tells them.
While I don’t think they’re going about it the right way necessarily, the situation is a lot more complex than “just being supportive” because working through cultural and historical standards like homophobia is EXTREMELY difficult to navigate. Quite frankly, this is n extremely realistic response that many people would see as positive because she isn’t straight up homophobic.

I understand that the family cares and are not by definition homophobic but they(only mom and sister because it was only their POV we saw) do find same sex relationships as a hardship(facts because of world views).
But we agree that it's messed up how it was portrayed that the family wants to protect him but at who's expense?
Because no one asked, made assumptions and deduced that Jeong-Yoon is gay. Parents decided to talk only to Chae-Heon instead because he has to be the boyfriend? Hope that they show the conversations the parents had with Chae-Heon. I want to know "how" they bring up this whole topic about the relationship with Jeong-Yoon. Yes he is not their son but maybe they might of showed respect and empathy about Chae-Heon's own sexuality as well.
It's these details that I would love to see.
It would of been just as good to of shown the other aspect of reality when a parent is supportive and accepting despite their own environment where they were raised.
Side note:
Thank you for your prospective, I truly mean it. Your comment explains your view and doesn't insult mine. I really appreciate it.
That's not okay at all. They have an issue but instead of talking to their SON they chose to bring it up to the BF instead? How does that make sense?
And for everyone to know but Jeong-Yoon, is not fair for him, especially if he does end up finding out later on, what everyone did behind his back. But seeing how the author is keeping him as "innocent, oblivious" he may never know.
How was the mom able to figure out her son is gay but not ask herself "why is he keeping it a secret?" Like IDK maybe because you told him that you are expecting him to get married and have kids. Had she figured that out and apologized or created a scenario expressing that they support and accept their children as long as they are happy, no matter what everyone else says. He wouldn't of hid it.
And how she reluctantly finally agreed for him to move but not saying anything is so out of pocket. "Weren't you gna move out? When?" Glossing over the whole fact she had strongly refused and Jeong-Yoon didn't know why. But he did not question it and was happy they accepted unbeknownst to him as "why the change". Again because that's his "character: innocent, oblivious".
Nah that was not fair for Jeong-Yoon and especially for Chae-Heon
Discrimination is anywhere everywhere all the time around the whole world. Create an environment where you'll always be welcomed plus supportive and that is when one can feel honest about themselves.
I'm saddened that this scenario isn't portrayed more because is happens, yes rarely, but there are parents who created an environment and taught their children that "no matter what anyone thinks but in our home you are accepted and loved so be free and truly honest of who you are". And that happens everywhere in any part of the world as well.
But even in omegaverses this is rare because those parents still judged omegas, alphas, and betas.
Man is there a manga somewhere that is just full of fluff where yes discrimination is present but the family(mom,dad, siblings) is supportive and their children were never afraid or hid to express themselves.