Actually pmo and rushed

Wolves March 20, 2025 3:51 am

The ONE thing that pissed me off and annoyed me the most was when Wan JUMPED OUT THE CLOSET AND DAMAGED THE RECORDING (near the end of the story). Why would he do that?!? He KNEW he wouldn't stand a chance against the brother, so why did he do that? It was so important for both Ha-woon and Wan, but he does that?! Did he fucking trip or smth??

I understand that he was pissed at the situation and probably couldn't hold in his anger anymore. But I found it so hard to feel bad for him when he could've hold it in just a few more minutes so the brother would leave and Wan could help Ha-woon escape WITH the recoding being safe. If he actually just tripped tho, that's so fucking stupid. U just had to stand If the author wanted drama that bad, she could've made the brother come back unexpectedly and catch Wan in the act. Then we have the same situation where the brother throws Wan into the sea and the trauma bond scene with Ha-woon and Wan. And the ending could've been written betterrr
