I’m sorry but this is so silly to me. These are grown ass men and now one of them hates ...

orphaxx March 20, 2025 2:23 am

I’m sorry but this is so silly to me. These are grown ass men and now one of them hates their almost lover because of an instagram account? And he’s like..really really mad almost furious? Nah that’s childish. It wasn’t okay to keep it a secret from the MC, even tho I get why he tried to keep it a secret. Especially with this reaction from MC.

    Mug of coffee? Or Cup of tea? March 20, 2025 4:44 am

    I understand where you're coming from, but ml crossed a boundary and did something that steps all over MC's personal integrity as an ad creator. I've been plagiarized on assignments before and it really does leave a dirty taste in your mouth, so I can't imagine having my professional work that I take so much pride and pour so much effort into being parodies and 'mafe fun of', especially by a seem to be well meaning guy that the ml? If it was from a kid, or a genuine troll account I think it would be less hurtful than from this grown man who made an account that feels like the working world's equivalence of pulling pigtails. I like the Ml, but creating that account was really weird from a guy who respects MC so much, and then expects him to "deal with it" post confession? He should have told him either much sooner, or when the project was over. The timing is a little manipulative.

    Scinn March 20, 2025 5:49 am

    ML built this relationship on lies. Plus that account was one that trampled all over MC’s pride as an ad creator, and you tell me he’s silly for being furious.

    I might be a Dumbo 2 March 20, 2025 9:43 am
    I understand where you're coming from, but ml crossed a boundary and did something that steps all over MC's personal integrity as an ad creator. I've been plagiarized on assignments before and it really does le... Mug of coffee? Or Cup of tea?

    Now this is the context I was looking for as reader we should be able to grasp the story and it's content (delivery of story also matters but anyways)
    Otherwise it's as good as not reading it

    ssavant March 20, 2025 12:19 pm

    I agree. MC is totally petty and acting immature while ML is taking the high road. Of course someone would be hesitant to reveal themself if you declare how much you hate their account and their job. MC doesn't even have the decency to be ashamed of the things he said before he found out the truth. I understand being disappointed or upset someone hid something from you-- but his intense anger is so uncalled for.

    orphaxx March 21, 2025 3:08 am
    I understand where you're coming from, but ml crossed a boundary and did something that steps all over MC's personal integrity as an ad creator. I've been plagiarized on assignments before and it really does le... Mug of coffee? Or Cup of tea?

    I don’t say he shouldn’t be affected at all. The ML did not make fun of the ads but did his own version in a provocative way, that doesn’t mean it was tasteless, sloppy or in an actual troll way. It never sounded like he made fun of the MC and his work, the post we saw wasn’t bad work or anything. Thats not how real, ill meaning trolling looks like. Besides he literally didn’t knew how MC thinks about his account before they meet and, if I remember correctly, he didn’t posts anything after meeting him and hearing what MC thinks about this situation. And again, MC is absolutely in the right to be disappointed but he’s really MAD without letting the ML at least explain it from his perspective. I’m sorry but that’s not how an Adult should behave, that’s the reaction of someone who can’t regulate their feelings.
    I don’t think the timing was good either but I suspect he wanted to come clean after feeling lightly threatened from the other friend who started the project and didn’t react in a good way when he was telling him that he likes the MC.

    orphaxx March 21, 2025 3:10 am
    I agree. MC is totally petty and acting immature while ML is taking the high road. Of course someone would be hesitant to reveal themself if you declare how much you hate their account and their job. MC doesn't... ssavant

    Yessss. thank you!! I’m glad someone else is having the exact same thoughts as myself.

    ssavant March 21, 2025 11:42 am
    Yessss. thank you!! I’m glad someone else is having the exact same thoughts as myself. orphaxx

    I was about to comment the same exact thing, but then I saw your comment. He really is a grown ass man acting like an angry little kid. I was expecting him to be more mature since his character seems really sensible, I guess his reaction caught me off guard (and was kind of a turn off)

    wearethemisfits March 26, 2025 10:49 pm
    I agree. MC is totally petty and acting immature while ML is taking the high road. Of course someone would be hesitant to reveal themself if you declare how much you hate their account and their job. MC doesn't... ssavant

    Are you reading the same story? Hyeonjin is the one whose entire account is making fun of his own idol's work. Of course Jaewon would hate that account - that's a normal reaction and not at all something he needs to feel bad about. Hyeonjin, meanwhile, lied about his job and hid that he was the one behind something that, again, publicly ridicules his idol and now the person he's trying to date. It's basically making a fool of him again. This is 100% a dealbreaker and if anything Jaewon's being too chill about it

    wearethemisfits March 26, 2025 10:55 pm
    I don’t say he shouldn’t be affected at all. The ML did not make fun of the ads but did his own version in a provocative way, that doesn’t mean it was tasteless, sloppy or in an actual troll way. It never... orphaxx

    If Hyeonjin had wanted to handle this as an adult, the second he realized Jaewon was the person behind the account, he would've said "Hey I'm sorry, that's my work, I honestly meant it as an homage to your work and didn't realize you might be offended. Now that I know, I'll stop." But he kept lying, knowing how upset Jaewon was, which is what made it a betrayal. He knew it would go badly, and it did. Jaewon's reaction is not at all unreasonable