
Minnie March 20, 2025 2:04 am

Guys, would yall recommend me this story? I wanna start something new so lmk if this is good or not!!

    CringeCringeCringe March 20, 2025 2:13 am

    I like this story and read every single update, and genuinely? No, I do not recommend it lmao. Go read something lovely like Chameleon wa Tenohira ni Koi wo Suru instead. Or, if you want something with action and actually well written angst I would read Death Delayed for a Short Time Because of the Will. Passion is more like a guilty pleasure with rough around the edges writing. There are a million stories better.
    Even so, if you've exhausted your options, go for it. It's certainly a... ride

    Minnie March 20, 2025 4:38 am
    I like this story and read every single update, and genuinely? No, I do not recommend it lmao. Go read something lovely like Chameleon wa Tenohira ni Koi wo Suru instead. Or, if you want something with action a... CringeCringeCringe

    Thank you for the honesty the recommendations

    Jay March 20, 2025 12:15 pm

    It certainly is an ‘interesting’ manhwa but if you’re into those fluffy stories, you might wanna run away fast but hey give it some thoughts. I personally liked this because I finished the novel already but they way things are now on the manhwa? Hmmmm can’t say, i think we might have different preferences

    Itsuki Shu March 20, 2025 4:53 pm

    I’m a novel reader and I honestly think Taei’s inner monologue is kind of needed to properly understand his feelings about Ilay. I won’t lie, a lot of this story is sickening and Ilay SUCKS. Truly a black flag ML, particularly in the first novel. That isn’t to say Ilay is a bad character, I think he’s interesting and god some of his scenes are funny but you shouldn’t come into this story thinking he’s going to be a decent person, like, ever. What makes Ilay interesting, in my opinion, is his humanity where you can find it. His slow change from murder monster to a person who can be reasoned with (by only Taei, lmao) is cool to watch. Taei is a unique guy himself, given that he willingly throws himself into situations with madmen constantly. What I can say in the novel is that the horrible things that Ilay does to Taei and others isn’t really romanticised in my opinion. The manhwa is softened a bit by losing more of Taei’s inner monologue but the novel really doesn’t shy away from it. I’d say if the manhwa continues following the novels it’s after this one is finished I’d give it a shot but if they don’t I wouldn’t bother unless you want to read the novels afterwards (Chris alone is worth them continuing the adaptation, lmao)
