
fr!! like this would've been such a realistic depiction of abusive relationships if it didn't desperately try to frame itself as a romance, especially at the end. it's one of the first times I've seen a realistic timeline of hatred -> depression -> returning to the abuser because that's what's familiar. people hate hopeless endings despite that being the most common result irl, i guess :/
being someone who always went back to their abuser, honestly this type of shit ending made me feel a bit better (or seen? understood?) than the usual "I believed in myself and escaped and never looked back!!!" happy ever after endings that a lot of abuse stories have. I feel like it's a realistic bad ending that a lot of people are pissed at bc they haven't experienced it. not saying it shouldn't have had a happy ending but not everything needs to have a happy ending where everyone figures themselves out and gets revenge or whatever cause that barely ever happens irl in my experience lol