I don't understand

Ohdamit March 19, 2025 10:31 pm

I'm at chapter 26 and I'm genuinely bewildered, like how a person who can travel back time by minute is in a F class but a girl who can change people clothes is in A class. T. T I think in turning back time even by a 5s is already powerful, so whole ass minute is super op, so like why... and even the comments in her backstoty.... "this powerful has no real use" got me???

    Why am i reading this March 21, 2025 2:03 pm

    Another thing is how old is she

    Ohdamit March 21, 2025 3:38 pm
    Another thing is how old is she Why am i reading this

    Yup, but ig at some point it's meaningless to count...

    bhadndbored March 22, 2025 12:42 am

    It looks like they measure how they use their powers vs their actual powers. All of the powers in class f are being proven to be better than class a’s for this reason I think

    Ohdamit March 22, 2025 7:29 pm
    It looks like they measure how they use their powers vs their actual powers. All of the powers in class f are being proven to be better than class a’s for this reason I think bhadndbored

    Sounds right, but on the other side if it was purely about the use of the power then it's weird that theres no ranking or advancing system. It's just class A and then F, when it's proven that powers can be improved, and they are also super diverse. So the binary solution is kind of weird. Also they treat the kids with weak powers as the worst of the worst, when in reality they are just the normal kids with a quirk. I get the other kids from school or even teachers, but the whole society thinks like that?? It's weird that they are treated like trash when there no reason for it.
    Anyway sorry for overanalyzing, ig sometimes thinking too much can ruin a series so now I will shut up.