I have so much to say, from the first chapter i knew i would get addicted to this kind of ...

MoOnBlOoD March 19, 2025 7:56 pm

I have so much to say, from the first chapter i knew i would get addicted to this kind of manwha because i love the feeling of a rollercoaster and im a masochist ;-;
Also i read many people judging the author for the type of scenes. So for this people i have to say that there's tags advertising the content, if it causes you mental issues then don't read it.
It made me very sad the painful experiences geom had to bare, but it shows the reality of the world we are living in, not everything is a sweet love story, there's already shoujo mangas for that.. but how mentally strong he was, how intelligent he planned to not let himself drown in the sadness of his circumstances but instead climb high and destroy those motherfuckers was really inspiring, this manga deserves love and lots of love for our child Geom!
