As a novel reader:
Kinda? He’s one of those annoying brother types irl that are selfish and irritate tf outta you. In the past, OG agnes was not a good person and caused trouble for everyone. Due to this, her brother disliked her and was not close to her growing up. He was closer to Raymond, who was his right hand man.
Currently, he still believes FL loves Raymond deep down like everyone else does, since she’s been obsessed with Raymond for years. It also doesn’t help that FL went with the act of “giving up cause she doesn’t want to trouble Raymond anymore and is heartbroken over Raymond.” Rather than the act of blatantly hating Raymond. To the brother, it’s hitting two birds with one stone: he can gain an alliance of a powerful family through marriage to help his position, and his sister can get the man she’s wanted and chased after her whole life.
Note: that the brother is not evil. He does care deep down for her safety (as you could see from the carriage incident) but he also is one of those annoying selfish brothers that values his own wants first.
Maybe the prince never liked his sister in the first place? Maybe he has always saw Raymond as a brother and never really cared for his little sister. Otherwise I really don't get it. She's made it very clear that Raymond makes her uncomfortable, she's called him creepy. She said she doesn't remember him and has no positive feelings towards him. Why are you bothering her instead of encouraging your friend to move on? The only conclusion I can gather is that he simply never liked her. Because omg he never helped Agnes get closer to Raymond like he is helping Raymond get closer to Agnes. What a bastard