TAEOH DIDN'T DISAPPEAR!! *THE CROWD CHEERS* (i like his and dongjae's dynamic way better lol) (also really tired of reading bls with d.i.d. characters where by the ending the other alters disappear or all of the personalities are merged into one) i was really hoping that it will explicitly show that dongjae falls in love with the both of them but still a cute read nonetheless! 7/10 <33
TAEOH DIDN'T DISAPPEAR!! *THE CROWD CHEERS* (i like his and dongjae's dynamic way better lol) (also really tired of reading bls with d.i.d. characters where by the ending the other alters disappear or all of the personalities are merged into one) i was really hoping that it will explicitly show that dongjae falls in love with the both of them but still a cute read nonetheless! 7/10 <33