Hear hear!
Okay, so this judgemental person is going to call you to the carpet for slut shaming. Is that okay? You are a vile, small minded person with an unforgiving nature. Does that feel good? Do you like being told, without "sugar COATING" - not coding, BTW - just what I think of your words and behaviour? If you can dish it out, you better be able to take it too. You have no sympathy for anyone but your own pitiful self and, frankly, people like you confuse and disgust me. I'm going to assume you, at the time of this post, had neither a relationship - because who would want to spend intimate time with someone so small minded - nor sex - because you'd have to have a relationship first or you'd be nothing but a slut yourself AND a hypocrite. So, I pray you're never put in a situation where you need to be understood or sympathized with because you did something someone just as small minded as you didn't approve of. You think you're not a bully, but you're wrong. You are actually the very worst kind of bully. One who thinks they have some kind of right to shame others due to some inflated sense of virtue or self-righteousness. Remember, no one likes a bully and you are nothing but a bully. Congratulations.
Smfh why are people stopping themselves for saying what they want to say. Why do others got to sugar code shit because of what other people got say. Those same people who like to call judgmental people out. They judgemental as well. First if all, sachi is s slyt simole as that. Sleeping with multiple of people back to back is being slut. People judge your actions. If you don't like people speaking the truth. Stop doing it, simpke as that. If , you're not a sex addict, i dont want to hear any excuses. I understabd sachi past but i dont agree with him sleeping witg that other man. We can say whatever since we have ever to give our opinions. This society is backwards people get honest Mix with being label as judgmental. The truth hurt rather you like it or not. But i start liking sachi more despiste that one accident. And if you want to be honest everybody is judgmental and hypocrite. We nick pick what we agree, disagree and understand. So, all these " im pissed at the slut shaming" shut up. Your actions define who you are (shrug) my statement not going to change