
Fattest Gyatt March 19, 2025 3:28 pm

i think that he doesn't know about the pic, he just likes him in an autistic way (here just have my love ahhhhhh)

    Wow that's Very Illegal March 19, 2025 4:27 pm

    I agree w the autistic thing but he probs did see the pic and probably thought "a chance!!! Aha!!! Hey chat watch me rizz up this baddie" (proceeds to confuse said baddie)

    Someoneyoudunno March 19, 2025 6:56 pm

    He never pursued the mc before right? Pretty sure the he saw the pic (since one person read the message) and only pursued him because he found out that the mc is gay (he's probably hiding it just like the mc too).
    He never even looked at him before (talking is out of the question) but now he's staring at him nonstop, trying to take him out and talking to him so it's only right to assume that he saw the pic and knows about the pic

    whyamihere March 19, 2025 9:48 pm
    I agree w the autistic thing but he probs did see the pic and probably thought "a chance!!! Aha!!! Hey chat watch me rizz up this baddie" (proceeds to confuse said baddie) Wow that's Very Illegal

    Lmaoo i also think this is the case!!

    lilithespark March 20, 2025 12:56 am
    I agree w the autistic thing but he probs did see the pic and probably thought "a chance!!! Aha!!! Hey chat watch me rizz up this baddie" (proceeds to confuse said baddie) Wow that's Very Illegal
