Forgot those gaurds are the reason Mori is scared of bright lights.

Jasselle March 19, 2025 3:19 pm

I forgot that the reason he doesn't like circle lights is because people with circle lights on their face were the ones that found him in the beginning of the manga. They were a bit aggressive and he has been spoked ever since.

    personthatyoushouldntcareabout March 19, 2025 3:38 pm

    I thought that was a different child cause of the color of the eyes it was Mori this whole time?

    Jasselle March 19, 2025 5:16 pm
    I thought that was a different child cause of the color of the eyes it was Mori this whole time? personthatyoushouldntcareabout

    Yes! it was him it had been living in that abandonted house for a while whihc was why his hair was messy and probably why he hunches over like a wild animal when he get scared. If go you back and look at him in the orphange her has those same scratches on his arms and legs. Not sure why his eyes were green in the panel (maybe to show the light flashing on him) but that was Mori at the begining. They found him captured him and sent him to the orphanage.

    personthatyoushouldntcareabout March 20, 2025 6:51 pm

    I reread it, and you're right! I forgot there was also a scene later on where it shows the actual circle guards in his eyes when he gets scared by the flashlight in the cave! 0: