After reading countless of your replies what I seem to not understand is why are you defending a woman suffering while dismissing the other woman's?
You repeatedly say about how bad and desperate countess steward situation is therefore Mildred and Wilford should just forgive her. But what about Mildred's children? How can you readily dismiss another woman's situation in the name of feminism and "for the betterment of society"?

Well, true, the woman did suffer, I wasn’t saying that it wasn’t bad. What I am saying, is it beyond the reaches of forgiveness? Is it beyond speculating whether or not, if she was on the other foot, what desperate actions would she have taken? Well, we are mad at this lady, for the things she did and the boundary she crossed, it wasn’t a situation or choice that she did out of the joy of it or for personal gain, but for the benefit of a loved one. Is it beyond redemption? Is it beyond forgiveness? Is there such irreparable damage to her and her family, that she wants to ruin another family and possibly destroy the lives of not just her but her children and her sister and her other family? Does it deserve that kind of cruelty? Is the punishment worse than what the crime was? Yes, she did suffer and yes, she does have every right to not forgive the lady, but is it so beyond forgiveness? Does the punishment have to be worse than the crime? What are the long-term effects? Yes, she suffered and yes this man nope being a criminal and he’s a jerk for it, but that was something out of her control and out of her foolishness, but did she mean for the man to take such action? Of course not! That was a boundary and that was something that she would not have gained anything from. i’m just saying, maybe she doesn’t deserve forgiveness now, but does she deserve to watch her entire family’s lives be ruined for her own actions? Does hurting other people, and able to hurt her, make the stepmother a better person and with that also benefit her family in anyway? Would that help her heal watching other people be ruined? Will her vengeance be justified and would it be justice? Now those are things. I also have to take in consideration. It’s just like when, in some countries, if a boy, steals bread, he gets his hand chopped off. What benefit would that be? If you were the baker, you might feel that it’s justified, but what benefit does a boy losing his hand does for you? And if you were the boy stealing bread, do you think that the choice between starving or losing a hand, we have seen main characters do worse things. In the remarried empress, the slave that was turned into an empress, she ended up having her children sold and her locked up into a tower until she met her end by suicide. She did horrific crimes, but does that mean that her children deserve to be sold as slaves? Does that justify her crimes and her actions? Or does that prove that punishing innocent people, for the crime of one, is not justice, but revenge. Is revenge justice? Sorry, as I said, I’m dealing with a lot of classes and there’s also taking into consideration the theory of law and crime and punishment, and I’m also taking writing and philosophy. These are a lot of AP classes I’m dealing also any class that’s dealing with a lot of theory and writing, including the psychology of a hero in modern mythology. Also, as I reiterate, the sister did this because of the society that she lives in. She didn’t do it for fun or entertainment. I mean, like, if society is pushing me to, let’s say, I’m in the hunger games, and I have to do a lot of underhanded things in order to survive. Including live betray and put up booby traps, I’m rewarded for that but imagine what happened to my moral character. Kanz also had to cross a lot of lines and she tried her best to keep her moral character, but she started losing herself. In handmaid‘s tale, we are seeing women do things that, they wouldn’t have done normally in any normal situation. So when we are looking at this lady, we also have to ask her herself, would she have done it for fun? Would she have done it because it was entertaining because she’s a mean girl? Or did she do it because of the environment she’s in? And that is why, I have to take in consideration all these sides of her actions. I have to see everything on every angle, and if I was in a courtroom, and I had to defend my client, and she was my client, I would go up to the judge and say she didn’t do this because she was jealous, or she was petty, she didn’t do this because she wanted to be richer and live that rich life. She did this in order for her sister to survive and to live comfortably in a society that if she doesn’t succeed, there are no other options. As her attorney, I have to see every side of it, and of course, if I was persecuting her, it would be so much easier, but I don’t like easy cases. I would like to think, as a defendant, I would be up to the challenge to find redemption, no matter how hard the road is, for people who are put into the situation because of outside forces. And maybe one day I will, if I ever do get my law degree. Maybe one day. But until then, I’ll practice with characters. But yeah, that’s my whole waffle mixer, Belgian with toppings kind of take on it. I’m sorry I’m so hungry. but as I said, I cannot let go of those reasons because those are the kind of reasons that makes me think, until I’m proven wrong, until I see somebody who has been through that and succeeded, if I have seen a sister as left with absolutely nothing, and thrived, then yeah, she deserves to have her ass kicked

I'm not calling you a robot because you're defending women's rights, I'm calling you a robot because you're ignoring everything we're saying and constantly flip flopping about your arguments.
We're not debating because you never listened to our arguments to begin with.
Now, mr. ''human'' let's do some tests.
What is the number of y in ysovvsvscoyvysscssvvovssycoyyo?
the only answer I need is the answer to the above questions. Surely you can answer if you're human?
I don't need another sob story about your victim complex or your entire life story for the 20th time, just one sentence long answer to the above question.

It's quite horrible of you to assume I'm calling you a robot just because of your feelings? I'm calling you a robot for constantly switching sides like an AI who's not trained to have long term memory, why do you automatically assume all autistic people are robotic?
Oh right! because you did the same with the women's rights. You excused everything the sister did by using the time frame, only to copy paste my argument and act like you wrote it yourself which conflicted with your previous arguments.
Maybe instead of constantly referencing other media and people to defend you, form a single opinion of your own to defend your ''beliefs'' yourself mr. ''human''
I don't have a sister but if I had one, I wouldn't try to snatch someone else's man for her, like?? what was the plan here?
It's obvious ML likes MC so if you manage to snatch him, all you're getting is a cheater who can leave the woman he's courting for another one.
He's rich so?? is that the only requirement for a good husband? you can go and hunt down a single man who likes her back so why would you try to steal someone's boyfriend who doesn't even like your sister?
The same guy who could bankrupt your entire family in a day btw??? like?? he's powerful enough to slap you back into the streets where you belong, what was angering him by harming the woman he loves was gonna do?
And to kidnap a corpse and hiring a guy who physically harms them??? it doesn't matter if he acted out of plan she's still the one who initiated everything.
I guess the plan was by hiding the corpse, FL couldn't remarry and ML was gonna say ''okay, understandable'' and get picked up by blue like ''do not worry dear sir, my sister is for sale!'' and he was gonna go ''oh my god you're amazing I'm immediately in love with this woman I have clearly stated I didn't care about before'' and then everybody claps for her and she gets crowned the ultimate matchmaker.