Sweet (~‾▿‾)~ March 19, 2025 1:51 pm

The sperm donor did not suffer enough! Let that son of a bithc taste hell (same goes to Seo-an's sperm donor!)! The fuck!? Poor woo-woon having to deal with problems left and right. And Seo-an is not making his situation any better. I know that he just wants to help his lover in a way that he knows how and right. But the way he helps Woo-Woon is making him feel little. Woo-woon already feels bad enough staying in his house and receiving gifts from him, and now he also helped him with his father. Who wouldn't feel worthless like that? Even I would feel useless if someone I love keeps on helping me with my personal problems. I do appreciate them caring and wanting to help, but not all the fucking time would I actually want them to do something for my problem. I would be afraid if that problem will become the reason for our falling apart. Just listening to my problems and offering some suggestions would be good enough and a great help to already. And I think Woo-Woon also feels the same, but that is just my opinion. Don't get we wrong, but I also know where Seo-an is coming from. He doesn't want Woo-woon to worry about anything. And he wants to help his lover in a way knows how and thinks is right, but due to his background he does not know the right things to do in a relationship whether it is intimate or not. He just wants to become Woo-woon's number priority because he was not anyone's back then. And he's desperate and impatient, so he just acts the way he thinks is right. The great thing to do here is that if the both of them would communicate and talk it out. Listen to each other's woes and problems until the end without butting in or making comments in the middle of the conversation. And just try to know and feel where the other is coming from. I know Woo-Woon is doing it already but because of pests whispering nonsense and knowing what Seo-an might do if he says anything, he now hesitates to tell Seo-an about his problems even if it's big or small. But again that's just my opinion.
