can ash cheat on karlyles ass. can karlyle stick up for his gay ass self. can these ugly ass brothers just argue with eachother. thx
what an odd thing to say
What’s wrong with you?
U sound mental and slow
y'all, this person is a ragebaiter (pretty obvious if u look at their tl) so don't interact yea
The dislikes are sending me
meant to dislike lol
well no. they dont even have proper arguments even when they have problems.
meant to dislike
the dislike and like ratio fills me with joy
this is the most amount of dislikes i’ve ever seen on a comment
omg fr
Meant to dislike as well
you just said exactly what i was thinking
clearly uve been thinking for a while considering this is ur 3rd reply
LOLLL omg u talk?
who do u think made the topic? you?
can ash cheat on karlyles ass. can karlyle stick up for his gay ass self. can these ugly ass brothers just argue with eachother. thx