oxndisjdw i hope she avoids the question and redirects the focus onto cesare and chivalrou...

Mai March 19, 2025 9:09 am

oxndisjdw i hope she avoids the question and redirects the focus onto cesare and chivalrous deeds or sum bs

    Yiss March 19, 2025 2:51 pm

    Avoiding will be the best. They are touching quite a sensitive spot. Pity she cannot answer killing them with fire :)

    Mai March 20, 2025 5:59 am
    Avoiding will be the best. They are touching quite a sensitive spot. Pity she cannot answer killing them with fire :) Yiss

    righttt??? cuz if she agrees and says that "yes cesare is going to do something abt it" then cesare actually doesn't and he has other plans for it that'll just make her look bad in high society (lol)

    and if she disagrees, that's essentially saying she doesn't want the slums to be demolished despite being born in nobility/being a noble (and under the Bonaparte name no less)

    Yiss March 20, 2025 1:43 pm
    righttt??? cuz if she agrees and says that "yes cesare is going to do something abt it" then cesare actually doesn't and he has other plans for it that'll just make her look bad in high society (lol) and if she... Mai

    The best answer would be one in the middle of those, not too sensitive, not too harsh. Like a "real" solution instead of setting everything on fire.

    As I have said before... I would love to set the nobles on fire ヾ(☆▽☆)