MC is so cute can't stand literally anyone else in the cast tho like WOW the only other person I found semi-okay was his megane friend LMAO ML is SOMETHING lmao tbh i don't like him bro is too grown to be playing hard to get at his big age I was looking forward to the "running away with the bun" + hoped that MC found a spine and didn't make it easy for the ML but ofc it's never gonna happen bl manwhas got me in my own toxic rl bc i always somehow come back with the hope that they get better tops but they never do
MC is so cute can't stand literally anyone else in the cast tho like WOW the only other person I found semi-okay was his megane friend LMAO ML is SOMETHING lmao tbh i don't like him bro is too grown to be playing hard to get at his big age I was looking forward to the "running away with the bun" + hoped that MC found a spine and didn't make it easy for the ML but ofc it's never gonna happen bl manwhas got me in my own toxic rl bc i always somehow come back with the hope that they get better tops but they never do