it's a no from me dawg

InvoluntarilyConscious March 19, 2025 3:34 am

absolutely do not get the hype on this one, sorry
their relationship was so flat, it would have taken way longer than 5 chapters to make it believeable, uke was a complete lamp and had no backstory or personality (we literally ended the manga knowing one thing about him: that he has a brother. tf man lol), and the seme was such a huge piece of shit it was almost hilarious, like reading a trainwreck
don't get me wrong, I'm all for polyamory (god there are some love triangle stories I just wanna pull a "now kith" for) but this ain't it. This ain't even an open relationship situation bc seme doesn't respect his current partners, any of them. he's just a fuckboy. "Don't ask me where I've been/who I've been with/what I've been doing" soooo don't talk to you at all lmao. And there's a difference between having a mature conversation about your boundaries and preferences like an adult and bluntly plonking down expectations for compliance.
art's good tho
