
Well let's not dirty our little one's hand shall we ? That will too bad for that stinky father, just imagine him rolling to his grave all alone nobody to take care...
Now cutie pie at least have some courage of talking back and now he is with his boyfriend and both have jobs , as for theater gang there are working in the gallery that dukgwang is setting now...
the 8 years time skip killed me! i like that they still got their happy ending but i wasn’t satisfied with how the story ended like what happened to the anemone theater gang?!?!? HOW IS THAT JOON FUCKER STILL IN THE STREETS AND NOT ROTTING IN JAIL???? AND I NEED THE FATHER DEAD IDC IDCCCCC him snapping back at that pathetic excuse of a parent isn’t enough i need him to put a hit on his father or kill him by his own hands. all that trauma and for what???? jfc…….