I feel like the mc would annoy me in the near future. I dont likd how the first baby (comm...

LazyGoddess March 19, 2025 2:43 am

I feel like the mc would annoy me in the near future. I dont likd how the first baby (commercial baby) was treated and how they dealt with it without mentioning so far. That peeves me. I had to scream every chapter that "that's just a baby?" Everytime I saw werid behavior to mc and any other young character thus far. His original dad and the actor just pisses me off for the whole cheating thing that I feel they are just pushing aside as a 'oh yeah!'. I rather see his original mother in that position attempting to help a baby instead of the dad (unless the mother beat on him or something). And I'm annoyed that everything Mc did before he died ended him as a baby in an acting career i rather him go back in time or something it feels unfulfilling (good on him for having decent parents though). I just feel something going to happen and its going to stay left unchecked or improperly dealt with and that pisses me off so bad so I refuse to keep up with it. (The writing style is rushed, the flow is werid, and I have my qualms with some of the charcters)

    kouxii March 19, 2025 3:03 am

    Yh the writing is all over the place but also u cant forget theres a grown ass man in the body so ofc he isn’t gonna be too baby like. And i HEAVILY agree like wtf happened to his life and body before he died??? Bro just died ceased to exist and went back in time to the same period he was alive and nothing happened?