Performative feminism in the comments

Kur0_BuNno March 19, 2025 2:36 am

I like this story because it explores the complexities of getting out of a toxic relationship, the aftermath and I love seeing women glow up. However, y'all in the comments are so draining. I think that there is epidemic of many people seeing content on Social Media opinions/takes, or general information that influences social change and just repeating what they heard. I think that their is a major disconnect with people engaging with performative activism, not really trying to make a greater impact either.

Y'all don't feel like the seagulls from Nemo or a hoard of parrots, just regurgitating what you hear? I think that you all know WHAT unrealistic body image IS essentially, but I don't think that you know how/when to APPLY this criticism.

I just wish that y'all would apply this concept of criticizing negative representation for REAL social issues, influencing REAL CHANGE, in REAL LIFE. Instead, I see that it is easier for y'all to bring criticism to low hanging fruit, like this comic, which uses an quite typical Manhwa art style of exaggerated proportions ( in which I never hear any criticisms of the male characters). I encourage y'all, PUH-LEASE, make your own comic where you can do whatever you like! I would love to a different art style, realistic proportions and all! :)

    Lain March 19, 2025 6:46 am

    I ain't reading allat