It's just MY opinion but I don't like them as a couple. I see them more of a big sister and little brother relationship. I'm not sure about their age difference but nothing wrong if they end up together as long as he's of right age. It's just my preference.
Btw, I'm imaging kayden and kartein's faces if they were there when the girl is talking
I agreeee, but I just let it be coz the author does not pushes it in our face It might also just be noona's position in shinwha that makes her seem older.
THAT WOULD'VE BEEN HILARIOUS!! Its like kayden receiving the photos of cats for his "match"
It's just MY opinion but I don't like them as a couple. I see them more of a big sister and little brother relationship. I'm not sure about their age difference but nothing wrong if they end up together as long as he's of right age. It's just my preference.
Btw, I'm imaging kayden and kartein's faces if they were there when the girl is talking