not a big book nerd so i dont read much outside classics and childrens novels (im just listing off what we read in english class ngl )
Count of Monte Cristo
Great Gatsby
Remains of the Day
Gold Boy and Emerald Girl
Kite Runner
Animal Farm
Fahrenheit 451
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (its a play but its still good)
The Outsiders
To Kill a Mockingbird
Jane Eyre
Of Mice and Men (anything by steinbeck is goated tbh)
The Invisible Man
The Hollow Man
And Then There Were None

don't have any specific book in mind but i recommend the famous author edgar allan poe. also based on what you wrote, h.p lovecraft could be of your interest. i have only read small extracts of his stories for school work but i know he has lots of fans. also, personal recommendation anything sherlock holmes hehe :3
Got a gift card for books but I don't have a book in mind atm. Would love some of your favs and even some recs.
Typically I like fantasy, no smut, not heavy on the romance, mystery is fun to read, action is great. Some books I quite like is 'Six of Crows', 'The song of Achilles' and 'The Twist of a Knife' -Anthony Horowitz.
I'm always open to other genres, just not smut I don't think I can hide it from my parents