
not a big book nerd so i dont read much outside classics and childrens novels (im just listing off what we read in english class ngl )
Count of Monte Cristo
Great Gatsby
Remains of the Day
Gold Boy and Emerald Girl
Kite Runner
Animal Farm
Fahrenheit 451
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf (its a play but its still good)
The Outsiders
To Kill a Mockingbird
Jane Eyre
Of Mice and Men (anything by steinbeck is goated tbh)
The Invisible Man
The Hollow Man
And Then There Were None
Got a gift card for books but I don't have a book in mind atm. Would love some of your favs and even some recs.
Typically I like fantasy, no smut, not heavy on the romance, mystery is fun to read, action is great. Some books I quite like is 'Six of Crows', 'The song of Achilles' and 'The Twist of a Knife' -Anthony Horowitz.
I'm always open to other genres, just not smut I don't think I can hide it from my parents