The very definition of came for the porn, stayed for the plot. Especially because I find the smut very... lackluster, somehow. I think it's the drawing style in combination with knowing Da-eun is full of trauma and has a history of being sexually abused and isn't safe enough to know what boundaries she needs. But I'm also so invested in their actual relationship dynamic. A man who starts out as an asshole but actually reflects on his behaviour (well, kinda) and a girl who clings to being loyal to her horrible grandma because she probably doesn't know what else to do? There's so much potential for both of them to grow and so much potential for heartbreak.
The very definition of came for the porn, stayed for the plot. Especially because I find the smut very... lackluster, somehow. I think it's the drawing style in combination with knowing Da-eun is full of trauma and has a history of being sexually abused and isn't safe enough to know what boundaries she needs.
But I'm also so invested in their actual relationship dynamic. A man who starts out as an asshole but actually reflects on his behaviour (well, kinda) and a girl who clings to being loyal to her horrible grandma because she probably doesn't know what else to do? There's so much potential for both of them to grow and so much potential for heartbreak.