Ohhhhhh my lord is this story ever gonna progress???? It hasn’t progressed romance wise nor has it progressed in character building/ story building like?????????????? Can we perhaps pick up the pace?
I guess it's gonna a sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww burn. Not that I mind, theres plenty of other stories to read in the mean time and things to do.
Sorry to burst your bubble but the novel is over 1000 chapters and it’s ongoing, it’s very slow burn. Heads up it took 200 chapters in the novel before we even got one kiss, it was around 450 when they went past kissing. It’s gunna be a long ride ( ̄∇ ̄")
Sorry to burst your bubble but the novel is over 1000 chapters and it’s ongoing, it’s very slow burn. Heads up it took 200 chapters in the novel before we even got one kiss, it was around 450 when they went... Mara
are there like good translations of the novel available? I'm scared I'll die before they finish the manhwa lmao so I'm just gonna start reading the novel
Ohhhhhh my lord is this story ever gonna progress???? It hasn’t progressed romance wise nor has it progressed in character building/ story building like?????????????? Can we perhaps pick up the pace?