ya'll help this site only works with wifi after like 2 at night and works until morning. the rest of the day, i have to use data or vpn cause NOTHING loads with wifi, covers don't show up, chapters don't load and it also says the site is unreachable sometimes what the hell is this
honestly im not sure are u maybe from the Philippines? bcs a lot of filipinos are having this issue. mangago being a bitch honestly kimchi
no im from south asia but yeah i have seen many people from philippines on reddit saying they've had this problem, something abt their isp being the possible issue. but im literally on wifi rn replying to you and it's working but during the daytime everything goes to shit again
ya'll help this site only works with wifi after like 2 at night and works until morning. the rest of the day, i have to use data or vpn cause NOTHING loads with wifi, covers don't show up, chapters don't load and it also says the site is unreachable sometimes what the hell is this