missing love was a bit problematic for me. i didn't like how they portrayed the rape scenes, they felt romanticised almost. i loved the art though, and did feel really bad for the main character. however, it rubs me off the wrong way. especially when u see people saving those exact scenes into their "smut" albums on mangago. back when i read it i didn't see many people pointing this out, they praised it actually. they said it was realistic, when its anything but.

“how to get my husband on my side” i’m always gonna talk shit about it because of how disappointed I was when I read it. First of all the ml is a huge asshole when the fl was out here having a full on panic attack, he would yell at her and he would act so overly aggressive for no reason and I also think he’s just bland even after he got his character development his whole entire character just revolves around protecting and loving the fl and that’s it. Now this is a very controversial opinion, but ruby is poorly written she lacks so much character development and her only personality trait is being pitiful. She could’ve been a great character if the story didn’t focus so much on her suffering. The romance was also very forced. I did not feel the chemistry at all the scene where they’re supposed to fall in love the whole forest scene was so rushed and the only reason why the ml likes her is because she reminds him of his mother and it felt more like pity than love. Then storyline went downhill after the forest scene she was independent now she fully relies on every character and the whole entire storyline turned into trauma porn everyone was simply there to either save her or hurt her. She even got attacked by a random 14 year-old boy. It got to a point where I did not even feel bad for her at all. I was reading and I thought to myself is this really what people are hyping?

oh also bj alex!!!! honestly i didnt read enough to hate on the story but the mc is SO BLAND LOOKING compared to the male lead. like the male lead was SO hot. but then the mc... :/ I wish the artist had put more effort into him. or maybe this is just a me problem lmao, someone told me they thought he's pretty cute

i just went through the most popular yaoi. okay this is a long ass list and ik i might get jumped for this but...
One Summer Day - too much sex, good plot but focus on it dammit, mc looks like a kid and they call him child constantly
Jinx - self explanatory
Night Song - (i like this one but its not THAT good) starts w rape too
BJ Alex - it aint THAT good, minus points for mcs fuckass hairstyle
Waterside Night - ik someones wrote an essay bout it somewhere, not gonna explain
Dangerous Convenience Store - nothing that bad just boring & slow imo
Steel Under Silk - idk why ppl are surprised mls brutally raping mc now when it was so obvious it was gonna devolve into that day 1
Shutline - nothing personal just boring imo (also i cant get past eminem's buzzcut)
Solo Leveling - just boring, went on for a little too long
Tears on a Withered Flower - ppl have complained about it enough im not gonna say more
Prostate Capture Report - just look at the fucking title man
Yours to Claim - boringggg
Love Shuttle - i liked it when i was younger but mc forced ml into too many things & 2nd couple was doodoo
When the Yakuza Falls in Love - nothing personal, rapey, boring but the worst offense is ml's fuckass leg tattoo
Sign - same as one summer day, mc looks like a kid and too much sex, boring
Pearl Boy - okay at the beginning but it overstayed its welcome
Who's Your Daddy? - ts pmo so much, none of it made sense especially the ending
Stranger Than Friends - the recent side couple pmo so much
Warehouse - just rape bruv
Hosik's Story - rape + baby trapping + mls an annoying piece of shit. ts should be a true crime documentary
Ennead - good and intriguing at beginning but i rly feel like it overstayed its welcome also horus pmo ngl
Heat and Run - not anything too bad, boring
Yarichin Bitch Club - why of all yaoi did this one get an anime, (the openings still fire tho)
Undercover Partners (aka Smurf's World) - ml & mc pmo ngl and i couldnt give 2 shits about the 2nd couple
The Pawn's Revenge - really good at the beginning but it overstayed its welcome
Love Jinx- ts pmo so bad, mls annoying asf i want to punch him, i refuse to believe mc could ever fall for him
Private Scandal - mc's story is SOOO good but who gives a fuck about the 2nd couple theyre annoying as shit and i hope the top gets shot again
If You Hate Me So - do i even have to explain
Love is an Illusion - im too tired to explain, rape n shit
Don't Mess With the Puppy - ml pmo so much, hes just kinda annoying & acts like hes better than mc, also i heard in the novel he fucks mc when hes in his puppy form can someone confirm if thats true or nah?
Love History Caused by blah blah - it was so good at the beginning and then it became doodoo rapist dogshit
Codename Anastasia - soooo promising at the beginning, but guess what ml did? (taekjoos a straight up baddie tho)
Roses & Champagne - mls a piece of shit, but more than that he's ANNOYING and he hasnt changed one bit. the mcs such a baddie tho just one night with him id do ANYTHING
Payback - ik this is gonna piss off some ppl but the ml just pmo so much, and the mc constantly does the same yaoi bs where he says no during sex and ml keeps going. i might pick it back up again one day but i genuinely could not find myself caring abt ml
PASSION - mls a piece of shit, i couldnt find myself caring abt any of the characters and idk if im stupid or smth but i have no clue whats going on in the plot anymore
What is a mahwa/manga/manhua of any genre that you think doesn't deserve the popularity it has?
I'll go first: Jinx.
There's a whole video about it and I think that sums up pretty much how I feel.