Started this before but I don’t remember anything. So my biggest question/worry per se w...

Midnight March 18, 2025 9:07 pm

Started this before but I don’t remember anything. So my biggest question/worry per se would be does the father care about or take of both kids?! Or if there clear favoritism towards the MC.

    villainess on top March 18, 2025 11:28 pm

    he prefers the mc because he only loved her mother who died, he had the brother, oscar, because of political reasons and didn't really like his mom
    this is how i remember it

    Midnight March 19, 2025 12:01 am
    he prefers the mc because he only loved her mother who died, he had the brother, oscar, because of political reasons and didn't really like his momthis is how i remember it villainess on top

    Omg so does he not like his son at all?!

    zenexx March 19, 2025 12:59 am
    Omg so does he not like his son at all?! Midnight

    no he does love him,he loves both of his children but you can definitely tell there’s favouritism. not only that but the son was at an age (when mabel was little) to tell his father preferred mabel, which he doesn’t mind now, because he directed most of his affections towards mabel as well.

    DOJA CAT March 23, 2025 2:13 pm

    Idk girl there is a clear favoritism in this. Like he went and told his son that he has to pay more attention or tell his son to look after Mc or something(I forgot ) just cause her mom die early and he had to made up for her be like both but if you read it you'll see the favoritism and the thing is the mc brother love her genuinely love her and I admire him for it cus if it were with this kind of plain favoritism I would be killing the emperor cus like you could've love both of your child without showing favoritism but he ain't did that. The way the dad always fawning over only for the mc is insane and barely has the same energy with his son and in the end the bro even gave his throne to the little sister but whatever ig he love his sister,