Actually, I have given you the answer in the first reply. I'm not sure why your replies sounds quite defensive. Iseul appear when Jiwoo and his friends went to the Academy where they mix with other korean alliance. There is two times Jiwoo went to the academy, first when he start befriending Subin, Wooin and the 2nd time when the world academy join them. I suggest you to reread because there is lot's of good things that readers tent to forget when following webtoon that been ongoing for years. Do reread in Webtoon App to experience the trill of reading this again.

If it sounds defensive it must be the way you’re receiving what I’m writing, cuz I didn’t have any particular feeling about this. I was also already planning to reread from chapter 179 mostly so I can better track the relationship between Jiyoung and Jiwoo since it’s apparently when it started, plus I miss the dynamic of Jiwoo and his friends
I don't really like romance in action theme webtoon but these lovebirds need to kiss. I sort of feel sad for Iseul She would have plenty of time to confess if Jisuk and Subin didn't cockblock her.