If he was a human who could change his appearance by turning into a tanuki, i would have l...

Na jieun March 18, 2025 3:26 pm

If he was a human who could change his appearance by turning into a tanuki, i would have let it slide, but an originally tanuki turning into a human and is the male protagonist is just plainly gross
Japan sure never beats the bestiality fetishes claims. Gross

    helvetica March 24, 2025 1:02 am

    I think rather than just a tanuki who happened to turn human, he’s based off the actual shapeshifting tanukis that are in a lot of Japanese stories and folklore. So he’s closer to a mythical creature than either a Tanuki or a human.

    Now, if Mc starts blushing at his Tanuki form, we might have a problem lol

    Na jieun March 24, 2025 11:14 am
    I think rather than just a tanuki who happened to turn human, he’s based off the actual shapeshifting tanukis that are in a lot of Japanese stories and folklore. So he’s closer to a mythical creature than e... helvetica

    That's still gross; thank you for your insight (genuinely saying it)

    helvetica March 25, 2025 2:04 pm
    That's still gross; thank you for your insight (genuinely saying it) Na jieun

    Yeah I understand. I just treat them as supernatural beings and throw common sense out the window lol. Like, fruits basket for example. They’re technically animals that can also turn into humans cause supernatural beings and then common sense just gets thrown out lol

    Though, your exact thought is probably exactly what mc is going through, cause she knows she can’t be attracted to him cause his true form is literally a Tanuki lol

    (I also read another story about a shapeshifting Tanuki as the protag and I just kinda built up a resistance to it lol)

    Na jieun March 25, 2025 2:58 pm
    Yeah I understand. I just treat them as supernatural beings and throw common sense out the window lol. Like, fruits basket for example. They’re technically animals that can also turn into humans cause superna... helvetica
