Y'all what the fuck?? THEY SLIPPED IN CHAPPEL ROAN'S LYRICS IN BETWEEN DURING THAT WHOLE EXCHANCE I'M HOWLING!! I think I'm gonna call it off even if you call it love? I make no excuse or another stupid reason? knee deep into our budding friendship? How is it casual now??? ARE YOU FR RN???? I can't believe no one has noticied this so far.
I love that nyeonbi gave that poor girl a lesbian awakening and rocked her whole world without doing anything, this is awesome.
Y'all what the fuck?? THEY SLIPPED IN CHAPPEL ROAN'S LYRICS IN BETWEEN DURING THAT WHOLE EXCHANCE I'M HOWLING!! I think I'm gonna call it off even if you call it love? I make no excuse or another stupid reason? knee deep into our budding friendship? How is it casual now??? ARE YOU FR RN???? I can't believe no one has noticied this so far.
I love that nyeonbi gave that poor girl a lesbian awakening and rocked her whole world without doing anything, this is awesome.