QUESTION!! (spoiler)

im just here for the gays March 18, 2025 11:00 am


i understand that riftan will end up saving maxi from her abusive father (and fight him if im not mistaken??) with this pace happening in the manhwa, how many chapters do you think is the abu53 going to take place? because i dont think i can read those chapters so i'll have to skip them

    its_okay_thats_love March 18, 2025 11:15 am

    I’ve taken a break for over a year waiting for the pace of this webtoon to pick up and it’s almost still on like 5 chapters from the novel. I would say we’d need more than 40 chapters to even get closer with the pace we’re going here.

    Terukinha March 20, 2025 4:35 am

    I'm betting in more 15 ~ 20 chapters until Riftan saves Maxi from her father.
    In the novel, it was in episode 225, or close to it. The actual chapters in the manhwa are near episode 110 in the novel.

    Kai March 23, 2025 2:16 am

    I'd say come back in three months. There are some things that the manga gotta include such as... spoiler.........

    Being caught by riftan; a huge aguement; seeing yuly, garrow, heb, ursuline, Gabriel, elliot and being comforted by Ruth; meeting Agnes; meeting the scumbag who harassed maxi and insulted riftan which led to a beating; scumbag executing the normal people who got drafted; riftan along with majority of the knights (including scumbag, kuahel, serjuleu, and agness) to go to frontline; yuly and garrow forcing Maxi and themselves to be deserters; the fall of the big rock or wall thay guarded ethlene which will take a couple of chapters; maxi being carried around injured; meeting kuahel as yuly and garrow begged kuahel to save maxi; maxi waking up with a ghost at her feet; meeting agnes; people help her find her copper coin; meeting riftan; leaving with Agnes to drachium; explaining meds; meeting the king; meeting Agnes mentor; seeing the knights; meeting duke of croix which led to her finding out she lost her baby and left the knights and Agnes to go with duke of croix; abuse and maxi wallowing in despair; meeting with rossetta; maxi wanting to see riftan when she heard he was here but got taken away by croix's knights; abuse; and then.... WE GET TO SEE SOME WHOOPASSS.

    So base on this.... give or take, 3-4 months.

    Terukinha March 23, 2025 1:50 pm

    Now that I think about it... This will probably only happen in season 3?
    I was expecting it earlier, cause they made some scenes shorter compared to the novel or and cut some details off.

    Ender March 23, 2025 3:57 pm
    I'd say come back in three months. There are some things that the manga gotta include such as... spoiler.........Being caught by riftan; a huge aguement; seeing yuly, garrow, heb, ursuline, Gabriel, elliot and ... Kai

    Oh my god, thats the true fountain of angst, thats going to be a rough one

    Kai March 23, 2025 6:35 pm
    Oh my god, thats the true fountain of angst, thats going to be a rough one Ender

    oh a long one. The one after that is def gonna be long. Then that's the end of season 1 for the novel.