@MAKK Sorry, but I have to correct you. Not necessarily does your parents need to have a certain hair color or eye color for you, yourself, to inherit it. It needs to be in the family, but neither of your parents have to have it. I'm blonde, but my brothers all have black hair. Neither of my parents are blonde either. If what you said is true, then I'm adopted, but during the my transplant, each and every one of my brothers were a match for me. We all share the DNA. :D

You're right. I graduated from a biotechnological school and if you know a bit about genetics than you would know that it doesn't matter which hair colour your parents have. It depends on their genetical information. For example: My parents both have brown hair, My brother too, my sister got red hair and I'm blonde. Despite the hair color we all look really similar. Sorry for my english, I'm not a native speaker so there might be gramatical mistakes...
*spoiler alert*
I should have had it coming... LOL I had a hunch that they weren't siblings since they don't have the same hair color... As biology books states, one's color (be it hair, eye or skin) should and always match with their parents; if and only if their parents are of two or more races. :B
Enough bio. I'm horny. :| WOMAN BONER DETECTED. <3 loljk;D