I wonder if artist is ok

Just Potato March 18, 2025 10:29 am

Growing up, I had enough of this type of story when uke is just push over for loving "the older person" they like since childhood and for seme they said they couldn't, they shouldn't but in the end they end up together type of shit...(θ‿θ)

They made the story more controversial way possible, so red flag is them, who wrote this type of story.

In the past I would have eat that type of shit tho no lie, but rn? Hell nah waste of time and it will just making our brains rot... Just drop and find another story that worth your time precious time reading it besties, if you consume this type of shits frequently only thing that will fuck up is your logic of thinking.

    Just Potato March 18, 2025 10:37 am

    But at least we aren't buying chapter to read this type of Brain rot so I guess it's not that bad(・∀・). I am not saying supporting author if you can is "bad". But when it comes to this type of thing, I guess it's not a loss. At least we know who to support when we can. We can avoid authors that wrote stereotypical, controversial piece of sh¡T, I know bills need to paid but still...