sorry, long comment but I gotta give it to the author im NEVER usually scared or get chi...

honeycrisp March 18, 2025 9:30 am

sorry, long comment but I gotta give it to the author

im NEVER usually scared or get chills when reading anything horror related (I have a strong stomach) but something about the ghost, entity, whatever it is terrifies me. especially because of the lack of dialogue the author gives him. im speculating why his presence is so frightening in this story is because the plot/world in this manhwa itself doesn't outright tell you its supernatural elements from the get-go. It literally gaslights you to think "maybe the black haired guy is just quiet, so thats why no one pays attention to him"..... no, he conceals himself & distorts others memories from him except for the MC. and when the MC finds that out its a "oh shit, that thing is dangerous" moment.
