Mr rise was hot asf, the main uke was boring as fuck he didn't have any emotion and I just...

hex (ゞ曖ゲ) March 18, 2025 9:00 am

Mr rise was hot asf, the main uke was boring as fuck he didn't have any emotion and I just hate characters like him, it's fucking disgusting, it felt half assed asf and not lying this.. As I said, it was boring as hell, but I read this far to see more of
Mr. Rise, and I was disappointed.
The main couple got boring so fast, and their sex scenes were also bland and unnecessary.
So much fucking and for what? it's like eating the same food everyday, you get tired of it.. and I got tired of them.. mostly because they were bland and easy to get bored of..
Mr. Rise was lowkey hot asf he outdid the main characters, Sad that he wasn't shown much.
