To be a fork, is to need and crave for the cake's bodily fluids. You don't have a choice. It's a given to feel this way and it cannot be stopped unlike in omegaverse where you can remove their glands. In here, cake has these innate scents that is similar to how delicious food smells. With that temptation around, forks must exercise great control otherwise, it will cloud their mind and attack the cake of varying ages and lick or lap them like crazy. Some forks even go so far as to grape cakes. Hence, forks are to be feared in the verse coz you won't know when they will run out of control. In a similar manner, forks are like dogs in rut, where once they smell a female dog (cake,), they will go crazy and pounce on them nonstop. After all, when a certain age past, forks can no longer get a taste so they are hungry most of the time. Imagine, you're so hungry coz everything is tasteless to you and a cake pass by. Of course, you'd be like a wolf and want to take a bite.
To be a cake is to be a bait. At least from my perspectives. Cakes are a set of wonderful people who emits smells like pheromones in omegaverse. It makes forks rut and in heat. The same as forks, being a cake is innate. In a similar manner, the relationship between forks and cakes are like soul mates. Destiny set them this way.
Cakeverse is awesome and awful at the same time.
To be a fork, is to need and crave for the cake's bodily fluids. You don't have a choice. It's a given to feel this way and it cannot be stopped unlike in omegaverse where you can remove their glands. In here, cake has these innate scents that is similar to how delicious food smells. With that temptation around, forks must exercise great control otherwise, it will cloud their mind and attack the cake of varying ages and lick or lap them like crazy. Some forks even go so far as to grape cakes. Hence, forks are to be feared in the verse coz you won't know when they will run out of control. In a similar manner, forks are like dogs in rut, where once they smell a female dog (cake,), they will go crazy and pounce on them nonstop. After all, when a certain age past, forks can no longer get a taste so they are hungry most of the time. Imagine, you're so hungry coz everything is tasteless to you and a cake pass by. Of course, you'd be like a wolf and want to take a bite.
To be a cake is to be a bait. At least from my perspectives. Cakes are a set of wonderful people who emits smells like pheromones in omegaverse. It makes forks rut and in heat. The same as forks, being a cake is innate. In a similar manner, the relationship between forks and cakes are like soul mates. Destiny set them this way.