What's up with this author LOVING pedophilia and grooming?? Cause wdym in the novel some s...

Mael March 18, 2025 4:45 am

What's up with this author LOVING pedophilia and grooming?? Cause wdym in the novel some shit like that is revealed. Again I understand the handling of intense topics in fiction but there's lines that shouldn't be crossed and usually that involves CHILDREN. EDIT: WDYM THERE'S BEASTIALITY IN THE NOVEL?

    Toxicyaouri March 18, 2025 6:04 am

    Jooyeon experienced COCSA, but it is only briefly described and not depicted in detail at all. I'm astonished people who have actually read the novel (not you) are crying "romanticized pedophilia" when it is maybe the one instance of terrible sexual violence that's treated with 100% seriousness. The bestiality was a part of the side stories that was taken out when the manhwa adaptation was announced. Whether it was because of the controversy or because the artist said "Look gang, idk how to draw dogs" we'll never know. Yeah, it's yucky and shit but it's been retconned so the only place it'll exist is in people's nightmares.