Just reread to confirm (contains spoilers):
So there was no cheating involved at least between the MC and ML. And possibly not between ML and the MC’s sister. The reason I say that is because in chapter 7 and 37 it sounds like they broke up but at the same time they didn’t? I thought that what he said in chapter 37 was that he agreed to break up, but it may be just that he’ll wait for her? Though in that case if they decided to not break up and just wait until she comes back, he cheated as well as she cheated while she was overseas. But when he was arguing with her over that, she mentions how he said he’d wait and he says how he said not to take too long. So idk I guess it’s up for interpretation.
Now MC and ML are just friends with benefits all the way until Chapter 43. They both argue one second and are okay with each other the next second constantly. Both of them mess around with others since they’re not together, and both seem to have mood swings. They both do the same thing of being hot and cold whether it’s to each other or to other people. The author tends to skim over issues and not address them or have the characters communicate off screen. So there will be instances when they’re dating and MC gets kissed twice by two different dudes (non consensual) and MC just doesn’t say a word about it. Same with ML where he just decides not to tell MC stuff going on with his childhood friend or MC’s sister.
Contains spoilers for those who haven’t read this or finished this yet:
It’s been a while since I read this so I don’t exactly remember the main story. Al I remember was that they both were messy and I can’t even tell when they were in an official relationship to see if they were just cheating on each other or if they were just friends with benefits majority of the story so it doesn’t matter either way.
The flaw is obviously the writing. I feel like issues were brushed over. But seeing as this is the same author of Lack of Love, this author seems to have a reoccurring thing of not writing resolutions well at all. Often brushing over actual resolutions of communication and just jumping into make up sex scenes. That’s something that happened in Lack of Love and here.
Now moving onto the Special Episodes (not season 2 which some may mistakenly think). I honestly did not think it was necessary at all and rather than focusing on the MC and ML’s happy lives after the happy ending of the main story, the author decided to throw in new rivals and issues the entire time. The blonde homewrecker was not a likable character at all despite the author wanting to portray him as an abused and miserable character. How does abused as a child = future homewrecker even make sense? Has no relevance to his character and no genuine reason for why he is how he is. It just felt like the author added that onto him to make him pitiful and not be fully hated as a dude who tried to homewreck the entire time. The dude didn’t even have the guts to apologize to anyone.
Now moving onto such “cheating allegations” that people claim. No cheating was done in the special episodes. MC never cheated on ML with that student, ML literally said it was his nightmare. It was only a dream that ML had. Now the kiss that happened between the ML and the homewrecker was due to the job. They were required to do that for theme of playing lovers. Though I personally wasn’t happy about it, I also do think it’s odd of the photographer to ask them to do that. It’s one thing if it’s the job of an actor or a music artist who usually acts in their music videos, that’s normal to play lovers with someone else in their line of work. But a model?? I have never seen any model required to actually kiss their coworker. I’ve seen intimate photo shoots where they pose with tension between models or pretending to look like lovers, but never actual lips touching. If they do need to kiss for a photo, usually I’d see them fake it and make it look like they’re kissing at an angle.
I guess the best thing ML should have done was tell MC what he needed to do and that it required him to kiss instead of simply just saying he’s doing a photo shoot representing homosexuality. But since MC saw the photos either way and wasn’t really upset over it all’s well that ends well.