What I don’t get is how ian and yugun;s moms haven’t met in parent teacher meetings and don’t know the other is their sons friend;s mom, especially with the way that bitch ass can’t keep her mouth shut I can’t imagine she hasn’t blabbed about him in front of yugun;s mom
Thinking about it the time she blabbed about ian throwing his exam to help yugun was at a parent teacher meeting no? And that the other parents weren’t happy about their children’s exam grades and she didn’t read the room and talked about how ian got a high grade even tho he rushed through it to help yugun? Did author forget about that scenario cause how are the moms still only knowing each other as “aromatherapy instructor and student”???
Also bro I don’t want some half assed character development with her, I want yugun’s mom finding out about everything and going in protective mama bear mode on her, cause ye she’s a shit mom to ian but she’s been SHIT to yugun repeatedly for no damn reason like bitch you’re 40 why do you have beef with a teenager, you don’t fucking get to pull the crap you’ve pulled with no consequences just cause you’re pitied for your past alcoholism, you don’t get a shield for being the mom of that absolute Angel of a kid, his achievement and praise aren’t your own, she needs to get checked

Anyway now for the positives, oh my fucking god I love the sunbae, the way he sees ian and yugun as his cute underclassman babies, how he maintained the empty club for ian to have a place to breathe away from everyone else, the way he cared about him and saw how all this crap was affecting Ian, and then how he put in effort to gather evidence for 2 whole weeks to report the blond’s bullies and overall HIMMM
but it was so sad seeing him wilt THAT BAD when he thought the blond was mad at him or when he actually was and pushed him away, like him being usually a confident little shit it was painful seeing him be so emotionally dependent on how the blond treats him and the blond prolonged that argument for no damn reason, like sure “me reporting your bullies wasn’t some angelicly motivated action so I hope your feelings aren’t mostly motivated by that admiration” might be a weird and annoying thing to be told but his anger was way disproportionate, to tell him not to appear in his sight and get that mad when he did only to in the end come back and say he sorry shouldn’t have been mad at you ?? Bro cam your anger issues what is this
Bro I’m so damn full of rage about that woman, when you get married and decide to bring children into this world you ALWAYS consider the possibility of losing your partner early and having to be the one fully responsible for the child, you don’t get the luxury to wallow in grief or worse, become an alcoholic and neglect ian, and I hate how she’s not being treated like a full on villain just cause of her StrUgGle WiTh AlCohOliSm, bitch I don’t care, she gets no sympathy from me, idgaf, you were the only one he had to rely on and you failed him, and you failed him again by making a literal child feel like he has to step up and ignore his own anxiety and boundaries and go on a show just for a chance to maybe pull you out of your depression and become your living breathing sobriety chip,
And her parading him around like a prize horse for YEARS, including when he specifically SPECIFICALLY asked her not to spread it this ONE TIME that he left his exam early to take care of yugun, ESPECIALLY when Ian pointed out that Yugun doesn’t know about him throwing his exam for him and that if he found out he’d feel guilty, no she didn’t give a fuck neither about his request nor about how yugun would potentially feel,
Not even talking about how she as an adult who shouldn’t even be gossiping about kids or should be giving grace to kids she hasn’t even met, she instead badmouths yugun on day one as if they’re peers, casts him as the pitiful loner hero ian has to save for extra points, CONTINUES to shit talk yugun, but then again wants Ian to be close wih him to get association points with yugun;s brother , like holy fucking shit she’s a sociopath
Even AFTER the producer points it out to her that she’s projecting her wishes on ian and points out that “trying to convince him” in the first place means she’s NOT prioritizing his wishes, she still lashes out at him cause none of that got to her
Like bitch, you two are all the other has yes, except you did NOTHING for him when he needed you back then, and then when you benefited from him and got sober and got promo on your classes and wore ian as a badge of honor etc etc you just… ignore the fact that you’ve guaranteed for years that he wouldn’t have any friends or close connections because everyone is an audience for you… you SAY you don’t want him “pitied but loved” but babes you don’t want him to be loved, you made damn sure he wouldn’t be loved cause no one sees him as a person but as a celebrity, and Ian himself can never look at people as potential friends because he’s paralyzed by what they potentially think of him “you’re all I have and I’m all you have” well you made damn sure it doesn’t change…
Bro I wish ian cuts her the fuck off and never looks back, she’s vile, boohoo she lost her lover, idgaf she had choices to make and failed on each of them, ian long lost both his parents