Man I'm glad it's Callisto who she's most likely to end up with. I was rooting for them. I had a feeling it would turn out sour with the knight, but I didn't expect it to be to that extent. My theory for the colors is that red=passionate love, blackish red=obsessive love, pink=pure/innocent love, I don't really know for orange (maybe something to do with confused or mixed emotions since it appeared there were times Derrick would think the worst of her and others where he was concerned for her), and I think white=platonic love (Winter and Penelope didn't really strive me as romantically interested characters since they appeared more like good friends). I'm not so sure though, but the more the story goes on the more I feel like my theory is being confirmed.
slight novel spoiler, the orange represents her being his first love. it’s all sorts of creepy gobbykid
Oh....Derrick is a creep. I feel like Reynold get's jealous and protective in an older brother way while Derrick would get jealous in a romantic way. It's no wonder I would get urked when Derrick would get upset when Penelope and Callisto were together.
hi! then how about winter’s? like his was purple yuri
from what i can recall from spoilers, i believe winter’s is admiration? not a romantic love but something else, like how reynold is familial/platonic love
Man I'm glad it's Callisto who she's most likely to end up with. I was rooting for them. I had a feeling it would turn out sour with the knight, but I didn't expect it to be to that extent. My theory for the colors is that red=passionate love, blackish red=obsessive love, pink=pure/innocent love, I don't really know for orange (maybe something to do with confused or mixed emotions since it appeared there were times Derrick would think the worst of her and others where he was concerned for her), and I think white=platonic love (Winter and Penelope didn't really strive me as romantically interested characters since they appeared more like good friends). I'm not so sure though, but the more the story goes on the more I feel like my theory is being confirmed.