Just getting this off my chest.

Mindfxxked March 18, 2025 3:43 am

I just want to rant because I've speed run this manhwa AND IT'S NOT THE BEST FUCKING DECISION EVER. I don't understand why the fuck they are blaming Annette for everything her father has done, like hello? She's a fuckig pianist and not part of her father's job?! Why blame her for something she had NO part of? It's not her fault that she was born privileged and rich, sure you can fault her for being ignorant about what happens outside nobility life but she was not a fucking shitty person.

Another one is Catherine, not the Catherine now because she's a sunshine but the first time they met wtf was that? That was guilt tripping at it's finest and it left a bad taste in my mouth. What happened to her older brother was between him and Marquis Dietrich so why was she lowkey blaming Annette for it? And it was a political war and we all know that concept of fairness does not exist in a WAR. Her brother chose a side, got caught, got killed for it but so is Annette's father. The man they hate is already dead so they just want to have a punching bag to release their pent up anger.

Same for the fucking ML and I can't even say his name. Blame the father not the child, the child didn't wish for your misery but the ML kept inflicting pain to Annette's life just to justify his anger. THE FUCK I'M GETTING SO AGITATED WITH THIS STORY LMAO.

