The in-depth torture porn was actually so unnecessary. I really wouldn’t be surprised if the panels containing non consensual sex outnumbered the short moments Geom and Wooyeon had together. Why did the author not have the OBVIOUS insight to perceive that readers would feel uncomfortable reading back to back to back r*pe. And it only pissed me off more when those scenes were romanticized: the chapters with nothing but grape with little to no text bubbles that offered no contribution to the plot. Putting Geom in a veil?? Lingerie?? Ribbons? Mask?? Corset? That metal cage thing?? Now what was the point of that?? Truly? I had to skim so much of it!! And put my phone down to cry and remind myself this is a story, this isn’t real. That’s the only compliment I can give the author, is that they know how to make you FEEL for the characters. But fuck the author for thinking, planning, plotting, drawing, and releasing chapters and chapters of romanticized r*pe to the world.
I’m glad geom got his HEA but when the story is 70% pain it’s not hard for my overall impression of this story to be anything but pleasant
The in-depth torture porn was actually so unnecessary. I really wouldn’t be surprised if the panels containing non consensual sex outnumbered the short moments Geom and Wooyeon had together. Why did the author not have the OBVIOUS insight to perceive that readers would feel uncomfortable reading back to back to back r*pe. And it only pissed me off more when those scenes were romanticized: the chapters with nothing but grape with little to no text bubbles that offered no contribution to the plot. Putting Geom in a veil?? Lingerie?? Ribbons? Mask?? Corset? That metal cage thing?? Now what was the point of that?? Truly? I had to skim so much of it!! And put my phone down to cry and remind myself this is a story, this isn’t real. That’s the only compliment I can give the author, is that they know how to make you FEEL for the characters. But fuck the author for thinking, planning, plotting, drawing, and releasing chapters and chapters of romanticized r*pe to the world.
I’m glad geom got his HEA but when the story is 70% pain it’s not hard for my overall impression of this story to be anything but pleasant