And does it have a manhwa?
Looking for a manga or manhwa where both FL and ML are funny or get into co...
cute/less drama shounen ai (no seggs please)
jeremy fragrance
Please please pretty please withcherries on top?
Looking for recommendations
anything here with explicit trans rep? esp if it’s a main character
Manga where she was sold off (?) or sent to be married and they sent her in dirty clothing. The people she was sent to judged her but then she changed and it was all “omg shes beautiful” and the sibling of the ML tried to diminish her and treat her like shes stupid, and one of the sisters insulted her. She fed like cubed jelly things to the dad (?) when one of the other sisters (red or pink hair i believe) did that for him because he had like a degenerative disease or something. Like its on the tip of my tongue i just cant remember.