Idk if u meant me (I never blocked anyone) or Stype but… yall need to learn some personal accountability fr fr. Pls don’t ever put urself or others in the crappy situation ur projecting onto MC where you say yes but u mean no just cuz u can’t fucking vocalize no. That’s not the case here.
This is clearly a consensual scenario. No one was cornered, no one was pressured, no one was coerced. MC had the option to choose to accept or decline with no consequences. You can even see how he did enforce his own boundaries by snatching ml and not letting the ex touch him. The ex clearly took the hint and backed off. Likewise MC refused to “lie down” next to MC and allow the Ex to take the lead when he asked to. To which, once agn, ex simply respected the silent rejection and backed off. We can clearly see that 1. MC is an adult capable of giving and resending consent. 2. Ex understands boundaries and doesn’t pressure him when he’s uncomfortable.
The majority of MC’s discomfort comes from protectiveness and jealousy anyways, which is still valid. But he could have said no if he wanted to. Yet he was still curious to see if he had masochistic tendencies or not, based on the conversation they had. In fact, he even thought glasses ML was mad at him because he willingly “said yes” instead of saying no. This is clearly a consensual involvement. No pressure, cornering, coercion or watever u say.
Whether he regrets agreeing or not has nothing to do with consent. Likewise, whether he’s jealous over someone he’s not even dating or not also has nothing to do with consent. He coulda stopped at any point and he made the conscious choice not to.
Now had the ex been nagging for days and incessantly asking/ bugging MC to agree, that would have actually been a gray consent area depending on the situation and the relationship dynamics because MC could still say no without any actual consequences but the incessant nagging could possibly pressure a weaker person to just agree to get them to stop, which isn’t proper consent. (if it’s gray u should always assume u DONT have consent obv). Whether it would be considered assault or not aside, the Ex would still be a huge POS had he done that. But neither of those options happened here.
re read what I just said one more time bc I was clearly talking abt the MC (the brown hair top) next time have a little more reading comprehension before jumping into blocking someone(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
And im sorry you don't seem to understand that being backed into a corner by two people to agree to a threesome is not consent